Coriolus Super Strenght500 mg 150 Caps

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Hot water extracts of Coriolus Versicolor are one of the most effective and best selling immune support supplements in the world, and the most widely used immune support supplement in Japan.*

The only US government funded study ever done on a medicinal mushroom supplement ? funded by the NIH ? is currently being conducted on a hot water extract of Coriolus versicolor at Bastyr University in Seattle and the University of Washington (a.k.a. Trametes Versicolor, or Turkey Tail.)

The immune health benefits of hot water extracts of Coriolus have been verified in hundreds of studies and multiple human clinical trials, making Coriolus Versicolor one of the most thoroughly researched medicinal mushrooms ever studied or used for immune support.*

Turkey Tail Mushroom

Coriolus Versicolor is known as Yun zhi in China and Kawaratake in Japan. In the U.S., it is also known as the Turkey Tail mushroom and by its scientific name, Trametes Versicolor. Coriolus Versicolor is likely the most common shelf fungus in the world.

The NIH is currently funding a seven year study on Coriolus versicolor at Bastyr University in Seattle Washington. This study started out using an unextracted Turkey Tail mushroom supplement made by another U.S. based mushroom company for the first eighteen months, but dropped that unextracted supplement from the study in 2010 and replaced it with PSK, a hot water extract of Coriolus versicolor made in Japan.

Only three women were tested in the first stage of this NIH study, and two of the three women tested showed no effect on immune health when taking the unextracted supplement.

One of the three women tested showed a slight movement in NK cell activity when taking 6 grams of the unextracted powder twice a day (a massive dose for any kind of supplement.) However, this was nothing close to the overall benefit for immune health that the researchers were expecting ? so, as mentioned, they dropped the unextracted Turkey Tail supplement from the NIH study and replaced it with a hot water extract, the effective form of the supplement sold by Mushroom Science.*

This was to be expected; the researchers used data from studies on hot water extracts to get the NIH grant money to begin with. It was surprising that the researchers chose to study unextracted mushroom powder at all. There is no data on unextracted mushroom or mycelium powder in the scientific literature and unextracted medicinal mushrooms have never been used in traditional herbal practice.

JHS Coriolus Super Strength formula is carefully prepared with a multistep hot water extraction process, and delivers the same concentration of immune supporting polyscaccharides as the PSK tested in the highly regarded Japanese research (also known as Krestin, or Polysaccharide K).*

Coriolus versicolor extracts have been available for decades in herb shops in the Chinatown sections of cities like San Francisco. A Mushroom Science employee first purchased one there in 1989, but they were not the same potency as the PSK used in the Japanese research.

Starting in 1994, JHS Natural Products was the first company to offer a Coriolus extract that did match the potency of the PSK used in the Japanese research (a.k.a. Krestin). We use the N.M.R. image from the U.S. manufacturing patent for PSK, a molecular fingerprint, to ensure we are offering our customers the exact same extract used and sold in Japan under the brand name PSK or Krestin.

JHS is still the only company offering a Coriolus versicolor supplement matching the potency of the PSK used in the Japanese and U.S. research. In other words, you will not find a more potent Coriolus (Turkey Tail) supplement available for purchase.

There are some companies claiming that PSK and PSP can only be extracted from the mycelium (the vegetative stage), and not from the mushroom (the fruit body), however, this is not true. In the original U.S. Patent filed on the extraction process for making PSK (now expired), the inventors make the following statement; ?The term ?fungus belonging to the Coriolus genus? used herein is to be understood as referring to the fruit bodies and/or mycelia of the above mentioned species of fungi? (U.S. Patent 4,229,570, Oct. 21, 1980).

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